So I have been splashing the cash again lately. I have to say my hobby is getting quite expensive. Anyway we only live once eh? I went out to find plants for the garden the other day and came home with a summer floral bag and flip flops instead. Totally not my fault though....couldn't find any plants! LOL The bag is really cute and was only £10. It has cute beadwork on the flowers as well. As for the flip flops I only wanted them to wear in te garden and you can't beat £1.50!
My mobile phone contract was coming to an end soon so I decided to give my Blackberry Curve 8900 to my husbdand and treat myself to a new one. I went for the HTC Desire. Its a really nice phone. Does everything I need it to so can't complain. I also got it on a 12 month contract which is fab because I hate 18 and 24 month ones with a passion. As well as the new phone in that picture I decided to give the new Boots No7 Radiance Boosting Hot Cloth Cleanser a go. I am a huge fan of Liz Earle Cleans and Polish but find it too expensive to keep up. The No7 option is under £9 for 200mL and is really good. I also decided to try Clinique Perfectly Real foundation. I have heard good things about it and got it for £12.99 at I also got a NYX lipstick in Athena from there as well. The MAC 182 kabuki is an ebay buy. I have no idea if it's real but its soft and well made and it was under £5 so can't comlain.
And finally the lovely top from Evans. It has a super cute antique themed design. Evans had this top as well as others on offer for 20% off. I also had a discount code for another 20% off on top of that so I couldnt resist!